I ought to be strapped to a chair
But it's just a feeling. A feeling I cannot control. A feeling I need to get rid of! Even though there is absolutely nothing to be upset about I feel like screaming like a madman and throw my computer out the window. A simple thing like the infinite task of vacuuming the floor is a trigger that sets me off exploding inside with unjustified rage.
Life contains endless loops of tasks that most people execute without a thought. But I'm unable to do that. I try, but fail. I can't even make my bed, because it's feels like a huge effort and the mere thought of it makes me terribly irritated.
Thus I want to get strapped to a chair with someone forcing me to take a deep breath. Breathe in... breathe out... AND CALM DOWN FOR FUCKS SAKE!
More than 200 different symptoms have been associated with PMS, but the three most prominent symptoms are irritability, tension, and dysphoria (unhappiness). Common emotional and non-specific symptoms include stress, anxiety, difficulty in falling asleep (insomnia), headache, fatigue, mood swings, increased emotional sensitivity, and changes in libido. Most formal definitions require the presence of emotional symptoms as the chief complaint; the presence of exclusively physical symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle, such as bloating, abdominal cramps, constipation, swelling or tenderness in the breasts, cyclic acne, and joint or muscle pain, is not considered PMS.
Chill! :/
Ta och lyssna på den här låten http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvpYll9lYYw :).
Eller denna...
Eller denna...
Nu skickade jag tydligen samma länk 2 ggr. Sorry! Dampa inte sönder nu!
ahh... the painful banality of the everyday, mundane life... don't let them grind ya... the energy is better spent on something creative. or firing an automatic rifle at something. which is why i can't be bothered making my bed... i'm doing my bit for society :) but sadly, when all else falls apart, those banalities are all that's left..........